Thursday, July 1, 2010

9 months old

Ryan is now 9 months old and is gaining quite a personality! He loves to flash his huge grin (with 6 teeth) and if you aren't paying attention to him, he'll tilt his head until he's right in your line of vision to make sure you know he is the most important thing going on!  He is experimenting more with his voice, including babbling with consonants (mostly d, b, y and an occasional m), shrieking, fake coughing, singing falsetto and just started figuring out how to make his voice echo by talking into bowls/cans and how to stop and start the sound by putting a toy or his fist in and out of his mouth.

Playful PuppiesHe has had his first illness/medication but seems to have recovered from his double ear infection quite well and doesn't fight the "pink medicine". They said he was 20lbs. on Monday but we'll see what the official weight is on Wednesday.  He loves to play with his toys and has gotten really good at shutting the doors on the toy where you push a button or turn a knob for the animal to pop up. He can close them 1,2,3,4,5 fast! He loves all the fun toys at both grandparents' houses and his favorite at home continues to be his tractor and his lion. A fun game he's started lately is pushing things like his sippy cup or blocks off his tray and onto the floor. He gets quite the mischievous look in his eye, too! He is sitting a little bit more for books, especially his new favorite, Playful Puppies, but would rather crinkle the pages of a magazine.

Ryan has not made any big strides in the mobility area. A few times he has gone from sitting to being on his stomach, but mostly by accident when he reached too far for a toy. When placed on his tummy, he will push himself across the room backwards, but hasn't figured out the forward motion and does not roll either way anymore. He just doesn't seem interested. He can pull himself up to a standing position if you offer your fingers and can stand holding onto his crib or the couch. He also started taking steps while he holds onto our fingers although he is still pretty wobbly.

Ryan is still a ravenous rhino when it's time for any meal. He gobbles down rice mixed with a jar of fruit for breakfast, two jars of baby food for lunch, and oatmeal with fruit for supper. He also likes his puffs... a lot. I use them to stave off his shrieks while I get his food out or get his washcloth at the end of the meal. He can also pick up and eat watermelon and peeled grapes. He hasn't liked the texture of "3rd foods" yet, so we're holding off on those for a while.

Ryan can clap by himself and he likes to pat everyone's cheeks (or grab any available flesh including chins, nostrils, eye sockets, and cheeks). He is definitely more active, vocal, curious, and flirty.  We love seeing all the new things he can do! Look how much he's grown!

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