Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baseball Tourney Champs

This week, Adam's Junior High baseball team was in a Youth Tournament.
They lost the first game, but won the next two to put themselves into the Championship Game on Friday night. It was great to see many fans out supporting the team (we were all grateful when the sun finally went behind the trees.)
Even Milo came to check out the action when Abbie and Wade stopped by after flying home from Cancun.

The kids fought hard the whole game against Le Mars, battling back from a 5-1 score and finally tying up the game 7-7 on a 2-run home run in the bottom of the 5th (they play 6 innings).
The Generals were able to hold them in the 6th and we went into extra innings. Then, in the bottom of the 7th, we scored the winning run by stealing home plate!
Congrats, Generals on a great tournament!
Ryan was a good sport in the 3 games we watched this week, but he spent at least 45 minutes sleeping on Grandpa's shoulder in the Championship game. He woke up to see the win (and get a piece of the trophy!)

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