Saturday, July 17, 2010

Double Rainbow, All the Way

If you haven't watched the Double Rainbow video on YouTube yet, you might want to give it a gander. It's a guy who is entirely too excited about seeing a double rainbow at Yosemitebear Mountain.

We had the pleasure of seeing our own double rainbow on Saturday night after a short but intense rain and wind storm blew through the farm.

We felt pretty fortunate that we didn't get the large hail and downed trees that many other areas experienced, although we lost power for about 3 hours and spent some time with flashlights in the basement while the sirens went off.

What a way to calm the soul after an intense storm!


  1. My only question is how in the world do you find those wacky YouTube videos? You must have waaay too much time on your hands. ;o)

  2. I almost always hear about the videos from someone else--I hardly ever just browse youtube. You're right--def. no time for that. This one I actually heard on the 104.7 morning radio show since the audio is the main part--they played part of it over the radio.
