Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good:
Ryan is not allergic to wasp stings.

The Bad:
There is only one way to find this out...trial and error.

This afternoon, I was carrying Ryan while letting Nika outside. I opened the back door and we were attacked by wasps. I ran around the house as quickly as I could, but unfortunately, Ryan got stung on the leg, I got stung on the arm and shoulder, and judging from the yelp I heard, Nika got stung as well. Fortunately, none of us are the worse for wear and after a quick trip for some Benadryl, we were good to go for the rest of the night. Adam found the nest under the deck railing and gave them a good spray, so hopefully we'll avoid an future encounters.

The Ugly:

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! I have been battling wasps lately, too. One or two buzz around the deck when we're outside playing. I found the nest way high up in the eaves totally unreachable. After drowning 3 of them in the kiddie pool using a little green fish tank net I got a spray can from Wal-mart that said it could project 25 feet. I think I barely got it.
