Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vacation: Skiing

It's been a while since I've attempted any sort of water sports, but it was so nice on Saturday and Adam's dad volunteered to watch Ryan for a while, so we decided to give it a go. This is how it went...

Ashley (wakeboard)

Adam (skiis)

Courtney (fail)

After eating the lake about 5 times, I finally got myself traveling over the surface of the lake instead of being drug face-first through it.

In my defense, the one ski boot could not be adjusted and was being held together with some sort of pin and wire do-hicky so it was slightly less than stable. Also, I am not that good of a skiier.

It will be a few years before we'll let Ryan ride one of these, but he had fun pretending:

Adam enjoyed taking the jet ski out and together we tried the tandem kayak. It was fun spending some time on the water. Thanks, Chuck, Connie, and Ashley, for letting us play with all your toys!

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