Sunday, August 1, 2010

10 Months Old

Ryan turned 10 months old on our last day of vacation in Minnesota. It was his first time riding in a boat, swimming in a lake, meeting a cat, and sleeping in a closet!

Ryan is just on the brink on becoming truly mobile. He can get up on his hands and knees and often goes right to his hands and feet (bear crawl) but can't figure out using his hands to move forward. One big stride is being able to go from his tummy back to sitting. This is great so he doesn't get so frustrated and prevents us having to rescue him from his tummy after a while, but it also gives him less time on his tummy. Plus, he ends up sitting up in his crib instead of going to sleep!  Anyday now, he'll be crawling like a pro.

He can stand up next to furniture and loves walking around holding on to people's fingers. He can move pretty fast in his goose-step marching fashion! I've even had him standing on his own for a few seconds, before he realizes what's going on and makes a laughing dive for my arms.

Ryan continues to love playing ball, throwing and catching all sizes. He likes to be outside, pick grass, watch the people and cars go by, and feel the wind in his hair. Speaking of his hair, it is completely blond now and the sides and back are filled in nicely. He really could use a hair cut, but his squirminess makes me predict that would be a disaster, so we'll just continue to let it curl up.

Ryan can get pretty vocal (just ask my mom about the shrieking) and he can be quite the wiggle worm if you hold him while sitting. He is getting to the point where he can't sit through church, but he has gone to the nursery attendant happily, even when they are strangers. He certainly knows when Adam or I walk into the room and he reaches for us, but he isn't as clingy as I expected at this age. It probably helps that he sometimes has 4 or 5 different people looking after him in a week. He is very good at waving "bye-bye" and sometimes seems to do it as a "hint" that he's ready to go!

Ryan loves to eat! Puffs are still his favorite and he gobbles down any spoon-fed baby food, but he also has had finger foods like Cheerios, peaches, watermelon, peeled grapes, bagel, and noodles. The messiness is just beginning!  He has 8 teeth now and 2 white bumps where his incisors will be.

We can't get enough of our little buddy boy! He is such a good boy and although he has his moments like any other baby, we couldn't really ask for a better son!

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