Sunday, August 22, 2010


This weekend we had a furry visitor I like to call "Milonovich." She and her cousin "Nikovsky" always enjoy a good Russian tussle when they're together and now Ryan is getting old enough to join in the fun. Here's a few photos of their weekend together.

"Dahling! Eet ees vonderful to see you, no?" *air kisses*

"Greetings. You seem to be taking the "red scare" a little too literally."

"Mommy! The commies are coming!"

"She must be licking the mutton and Borscht from my fingers."

Milonovich, Nikovsky, Rynonskaia

How happy Nika was when Milo finally took a nap.

This last pictures has nothing to do with Milo, it's just a sweet example of me being totally oblivious to the fact that the dog is eating my child's finger. Don't call DHS...he laughed and no blood was shed. Well, except earlier when Ryan was wildly waving a rattle around and ended up cutting his lip. A cold teething ring seemed to do the trick to calm him down and it looked good as new in no time. Amazing how babies heal freakishly fast! It also reminded me of a funny little memory:  One time I was babysitting my cousin, C, who was probably 5 at the time. While playing at the park, he stumbled and cut his lip open, gushing blood. I ran him home in a panic, gave him ice cubes in a washcloth to suck on and debated whether or not I should call his mom. I asked him how he was doing and through sobs he finally got out "I...*sob*...think... *sniff sniff*...I better just...*hiccup*...lay down and watch cartoons for a while."  haha. Oh the healing powers of Tom & Jerry.

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