Saturday, September 25, 2010


Saturday afternoon we headed to Hometown to spend some time with Adam's parents, brother, and sister-in-law. We hadn't seen Andy and Kim since June, so it was great to get together again. Here's a few pics of the "B" boys cheesing it up!

The big event of the evening was a banquet celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the church where Adam's dad is the pastor. We had a nice catered meal and then a program in the theater with a video chronicling the history of the church.  Although the rest of us enjoyed ourselves, these events were not at the top of Ryan's list of favorite things, especially after having no afternoon nap. After being very unhappy throughout supper, he finally fell asleep and stayed conked out through most of the program, including when we were introduced to the crowd. The good thing is that even though he was fast asleep on my shoulder by 7:00, he transitioned peacefully into pj's, his carseat, and then to his crib after the drive home and slept until 7:45 the next morning.  Must have been worn out from all the cheesy photo poses!

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