Friday, September 3, 2010

First Football Game

Friday was the first home football game of the season, and Ryan's first chance to see the Generals in action!  He got all dressed up in his warm slicks and orange hoodie and we trooped on down to the field. Ryan did pretty well sitting through the game. He had a few friends to hold him or play "peek-a-boo" and he couldn't fall asleep with so much yelling/cheering going on! Everytime he'd lay back and heard something, he'd have to pop up and see what was going on.

I had planned to take him home at half time, but it was a great game and Ryan seemed fine with his hood up and wrapped in his fleece blanket, so we stuck out the whole game! It was fun to watch the team stick it out for the W.

Ryan with Daddy after the game.

Future General?

Adam's excited about the win. Ryan's excited to go home and go to bed.

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