Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The good:   We finished refinancing our house since our local bank has a no closing cost refinance option.  No fees + lower interest rate + shorter mortgage term + ending the Countrywide/Bank of America nightmare + getting rid of escrow + getting to skip a month's payment = Nothing to lose!
The really good: When we went in to sign the papers, the interest rate had dropped another quarter percent, so we got an even better deal than expected.

The bad: We promptly spent this month's "savings" of the quarter percent decrease on fancy coffees at the coffee shop. So not really "bad"--the coffee was amazing--but I'm pretty sure the lower interest rate will just funnel money into the coffee fund, not the mortgage pay-off fund.

The ugly:

The good: Ryan is a strong boy and can push the kitchen chairs around while walking behind them.

The bad: He can also pull them over on himself and clunk his head on the floor in the process.

The ugly:
The good: I organized our basement tonight after Ryan went to bed, putting it back into its original state pre-5 inches of rain per night. I semi-tricked Adam into helping by saying I couldn't move the couch by myself and then he just kept helping because he can't stand messes. He never returned after bringing some cords out to the garage, but when I came up with the trash at 9:30 I noticed the garage had also been reorganized. :)

The bad: I originally went downstairs to finish up my show choir song but got so distracted by the reorganization and packing away of baby things that I didn't get back to it. At least now I can sit on the couch with carpet under my feet while writing out staging instead of sitting on a lone folding chair in an empty cement corner.  I felt like I was being interrogated, like someone was demanding answers to "Who authorized you to do a ripple-off lunge with genie blades in measure 6?" or "Why the turquosie sequins? WHY?" or threatening to pull out my fingernails if I didn't give everyone equal opportunity to do a "jump out to high jazz". It's much more relaxed now, like someone is offering me a cup of tea and saying "Dearie, I just wonder if it wouldn't be better if you put the 6'6" tenors in the 3rd row-they're hiding the sopranoes."

The ugly:


  1. Macyn pushes the chairs around too - she will even go as far as crawling under the table and pushing the chairs out from under it!

  2. Yay for getting rid of the prior mortgage mess! It kills me how much rates have gone down since we bought last year, but it's hardly worth it to refinance at this point.
