Sunday, September 12, 2010

Limonata = Excelente

I took two years of High School Spanish. Two years of playing "Uno", watching The Three Amigos and Selena on a roll-cart TV, and picking ridiculous names as our Spanish names. My favorites were 3 guys who all picked such similar sounding names that our teacher, who we called "S'rah", as in the literal sounding-out of the title "Sra.", had no idea who was who and treated them all interchangeably.  I'm pretty sure Domicio, Dominicio, and Dominico all ended up with the same grade...which was probably an A based on what they were able to get away with in that class.  My point is, I learned muy poco Spanish in that class but had a lot of fun.

This is probably why I started writing a post about Spanish lemonade only to realize at this point that the drink I'm actually talking about is Italian. This should have been painfully obvious by the fact that I bought the drink at the Olive Garden, not La Fiesta Mexicana, but it is late and my retinas are burning from watching the football game on High Def. Burning retinas apparently equals translation difficulties.

The short story is that Adam and I went to the Olive Garden on Saturday and had amazing "handcrafted" lemonades. Mine was called a Bella Limonata and included lemonade, pomegranate, and pineapple juices. Adam had one with Strawberry and Mango. Both were excelente, or excellente.

Limonata / Lemonada

Po-tay-to / Po-tah-to

My cynical side is wondering if they just mixed up some Tang, threw in some fruit slices and a mint sprig and charged me 3 bucks, but la-la-la-la not listening. They were good.

To top off a great meal, the waiter left literally 12 Andes mints with our check. It's like I have "Big Chocolate = Big Tip" written on my forehead.

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