Friday, October 1, 2010

Birthday Morning

I was happy to take the day off Friday to spend it with Ryan on his special day!

The birthday boy woke up bright-eyed (or maybe "Bright light, Mommy, turn it off!") and ready for fun.

I wanted to make him something special for breakfast but he's not Mr. Patient when he's hungry, so I popped in some mini blueberry muffins. (Use a Better Crocker pouch mix where you just add water, then put a spoonful into sprayed mini muffin tin and bake for as long as the pouch says-the bottom end of the range). He wasn't sure what to make of them at first, but soon caught on to the idea (see Step 3 below).

After a busy morning helping me bake his birthday cake, napping, and going for a stroller ride to take some birthday pictures and run errands, it was time for lunch. I carried out the "mini" theme with some personalized Chicken Pot Pies. Here's the "keeping it real" recipe:
  1. Decide your alter-ego "Super Mom" is going to make mini Chicken Pot Pies for lunch.
  2. Take out the Fill phylo dough you bought in some dillusional stupor that made you think you would ever have time/patience/2 hands free in order to make something with phylo dough.
  3. Realize phylo dough has to thaw for 2 hours before using, then takes 45 minutes to bake.
  4. Put dough back in freezer to wait for mythical future time when you'll plan far enough ahead to use it.
  5. Google "Chicken Pot Pie Pillsbury Crescent Rolls" and follow this recipe instead.
  6. Instead of simply laying the triangle on top, attempt to roll out crescent dough, cut circles and flute like pie crust just so you have a photo for your blog.
  7. Remember that next time, you should not use as much thyme. Commit to memory "NEXT TIME LESS THYME."

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