Wednesday, December 1, 2010

14 Months Old

Ryan turned 14 months old today. Now that he's super mobile it's harder to get good pictures of him, but here's a shot of him after coming home from daycare today with half of the outfit he left in (jeans) and half of the spare outfit packed in his bag. It's kind of a funny combo!

Ryan is such a fun little guy. We love watching him grow, learn, discover, and develop new skills and interests. This month he has really loved playing at his little table and chairs and requests "bookths" often. His attention span is longer so he can sit and read on our laps for a while. It seems to be his favorite place in the world! He has just started discovering climbing and has been caught kneeling and standing on his little chairs and climbing on top of hard laundry basket (and in the collapsible laundry basket).

I can't think of any new words he's added except "mama" when he wants his sippy cup of milk. He is getting better at imitating sounds and actions. I've been trying to teach him "I love you" but it usually ends up "IIIIIII lalalalala" with his tongue going in and out on the L's.

He is still a pretty good sleeper, taking 2 naps when at home or at my mom's (1.5 hours in the morning, about 2 hours in the afternoon). He takes about a 1.5-2 hour after-lunch nap at daycare because of their morning schedule of snacks/lunch during when he'd usually go down and because there are all sorts of friends and toys to play with! He sure is tired when he gets home on those days and can be ready for bed as soon as 7:30.

He is getting much more stable at walking and can really move fast (aka he has successfully eaten dog food) but takes a few tumbles now and then, including a few bruises and scratches on his face and a bloody lip or too, but he seems to be able to shake it off pretty quickly. (Maybe it helps that we give him a pat on the butt and tell him to "walk it off"). Or maybe mommy scoops him up with lots of cuddles and hugs and whispers of "you're just fine, baby, Mommy loves you."

Mostly, we appreciate his smile, his hugs, and his big personality. You're growing up so fast, little boy!

1 comment:

  1. 2 naps a day? In bed by 7:30? Get that kid over here and teach Macyn how that's done. Two 1/2 hour naps at daycare and she FINALLY went to bed at 9:45....
