Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Night

On Christmas Day, we had lunch with my mom's side of the family. We were disappointed my grandpa wasn't feeling well that day and couldn't make it for lunch, but we enjoyed visiting with the family that could make it. At night, we had another meal (did we ever STOP eating?) with just my family. Before we could open presents, we tried to get a picture with the grandkids. Emily was super cooperative (present-bribing seems to do the trick).


Lincoln, however, was not exactly Mr. Compliant.

 We finally  just let them have at it and they sure had fun.
Ryan loved the wrapping paper and loved his new slippers! He opened (with Lincoln's help) a Little Tikes EasyScore Basketball Set and a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe 30th Anniversary Car but since we didn't take them out of the box, he got to enjoy them later in the week after Adam put them together. Just a warning to other "Cozy Coupe" parents--don't expect to just pull the car out of the box, pop on the wheels, and go for a spin! That thing is crazy to assemble!

Emily provided quite the performance when she opened my bag of candy from work. Go to the Rips Licorice page on facebook and scroll down to watch the video!

We had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of family, more food than I care to remember, laughter, and love. It had been very busy few days celebrating...and there was more Christmas to come!

Thanks, Mom & Dad for making it a special Christmas for us all!

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