Friday, December 3, 2010

Glue Galore

I love the little craft projects Ryan brings home from daycare. They are usually some combination of construction paper, glue, glitter, cereal, and stickers. I give them major props for being willing to deal with the mess that must be created with a bunch of 1 year olds using glue and glitter, but I'm sure the kids have fun and Ryan likes showing me his little projects. I was home sick on Wednesday (bronchitis...could have done without that) and when Adam brought him home, he said Ryan had a little surprise for me to make me feel better! He proudly showed me his tree, then promptly picked one of the Kix off it and ate it before I could stop him. Oh, kid.  Probably not the first or last time he'll eat glue. It went well with the dog food he managed to cram in his mouth later that night while I was on the phone.

Here's a picture of a few other crafts Ryan has brought home. In case you *for shame* need a little interpretation, the left is "Indian corn" made with purple and gold glitter and some variety of puffed rice cereal and the right is a Cornucopia with a variety of cereal.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the "Indian Corn" project was Idaho Russet meets Jackson Pollock.
