Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Creating a Custom Player in YouTube

Since YouTube seems to have made it difficult to create custom players in the old way and I keep forgetting how to get there, here's a little reminder for myself and anyone else searching for how to put a group of videos into a custom player. If you've made custom players before and just want the link to the page, it's For more detailed instructions, keep reading.

Creating a Custom Player of your YouTube videos
  1. Upload all the separate videos to your YouTube account.
  2. Create a new playlist by clicking the +New button in the left column next to "Playlists." Give it a Title, description, and tags. Tags help people find your video using search terms.
  3. Check the boxes next all of the videos you want to include in the playlist and click the "Add to" button at the top, then select the playlist Title you just created.
  4. Go to (This is the part they changed-there used to be menu paths to get here, but they seem to have moved or been removed.)
  5. Fill in the custom player Title, Description, Color, and Layout as usual
  6. For Content, simply select the Playlist you recently created. You can also go in and search multiple videos if you'd rather.
  7. Click "Generate Code," then copy the code and paste it into your blog. In Blogger, go to the "Edit HTML" tab and paste it there. You can alter the size if necessary by changing the height and width values in the code.
That's it! If you have any questions, feel free to comment. I'm far from an expert, but wanted to help out anyone who is wondering "Where did the YouTube Custom Video Player go?"

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