Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quick Favs

Favorite Vehicle to Drive Thru Snowstorms:  Adam's 4-wheel drive truck, which I am very thankful for, although I was kind of bummed on my ride home tonight to remember that it doesn't have a secret stash of mint fudge-covered Oreos under the seat...not that the Malibu does. :)

Favorite New Game: "Ring around the Cozy" in which Ryan runs around his Cozy Coupe until we say "All Fall Down".

Favorite Sarcastic Solution to the Social Security Problem: "America could just do what it always does: Postpone the decision, dig a deeper hole, hunker down, and wait again for the problem to somehow magically solve itslef while the deficit gets bigger." ~Reader's Digest February 2011

Favorite Real Solution to the Social Security Problem: Be part of a small generation. Then you need to give birth to a large generation, so when you are in you 70s and they are int heir 40s and 50s, they'll be [generating] enormous amounts of taxes."~Ken Dychtwald, New York Times (Hey, it's a better solution than any others I've heard!)

Favorite Simple Office Prank I haven't Pulled Yet: On a PC, Ctrl-Alt-Down Arrow turns their screen image upside down. I'm not posting how to fix it b/c some of my prime targets may be reading this blog.

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