Friday, March 4, 2011

Home: Bathroom Closet

We've been working on several projects in our house lately: cleaning, de-cluttering, and reorganizing. Even though today was my day off from work, a much-needed day to cut out the doldrums that exist between New Year's Day and Memorial Day, I did manage to get one house project done.  The closet in our bathroom has laundry hookups but we choose to use it as a utility closet. Once Ryan started walking, we had to also move all cleaning supplies up and out of reach, so the closet became a catch-all.  After a trip to the dollar store and a good 45 minutes sorting, cleaning, and organizing while Ryan napped, we have a fresh new closet that screams "Look! I am the picture of color-coordinated organization, if only for a moment!" instead of "Look! We have a ragtag collection of cleaning supplies, a mountain of dog towels, and a hand-held vacuum that is plugged into an outlet in the basement using the hole drilled in the floor, and hasn't worked in three years!"

I spent a total of $12 on the 3 small buckets and 2 larger buckets which hold the condensed version of our cleaning supplies. I decided to relocate the old towels to the cupboard under the sink since that area has been empty since the cleaning supplies moved and they tend to teeter less at that elevation.
Here's an after picture of the bottom of the closet. I just cleaned up the baskets, since our current storage method is working fairly well.  We store all of our "getting ready in the morning" stuff here so we can just pull out our basket, use it at the counter, then put it back on the shelf in the closet. Works for us!  I suppose it would look cuter with matching square boxes, but I like plastic baskets/shower caddies for easy cleaning (makeup/hair spray/shaving cream is messy).

It was great to get some things accomplished today, (I consider making homemade caramel rolls and a Pistachio Pudding Cake a major win) but I also enjoyed just spending the day with Ryan, getting his hair cut, running errands, playing toys, reading books, and having fun!  It was great to be home since I'll be spending all day tomorrow at a show choir competition, and I look forward to the next time I can take a day to "stay home and play mom"....maybe Memorial Day.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I've gotten some good baskets at the dollar store too!

