Thursday, April 14, 2011

18 Month Checkup

Ryan had his 18 Month Checkup this afternoon. He measured 33" tall which put him between the 50th and 75th percentile. He weighed in at 30.5 lbs. which puts him in the 90th to 95th percentile according to this calculator but was above the 98th percentile on the Doctor's chart. The nurse practitioner didn't seem too concerned and said once the weather is nice he'll probably run a lot of it off. He doesn't seem to eat THAT much to me and doesn't get much junk food at all, but we might have to be sneakier about getting veges into his diet (he'll put them in his mouth but won't chew and swallow) and cut down some of the cheese.

We tried on a few of the 24m clothes I just picked up at garage sales and found out that the sleeveless shirts were WAY too tight on his belly (although 24m shorts look gangsta) so we might have to look into 2T shirts for our stocky little man.

I also picked up some "Love and Logic" CDs at garage sales and we're working on implementing some of the techniques, but to Ryan's (highly vocal) displeasure. We hope to make meal times involve a little less throwing and interaction with Nika involve a little less hitting. We'll let you know how it turns out, or you'll probably see for yourselves if you ever see us in a Pizza Ranch near you.

1 comment:

  1. What a big boy! Lincoln has stopped eating vegetables, too. Maybe corn or canned beans. I swear some days he doesn't eat enough calories to maintain basic body functions, let alone grow. Sigh...

    Do you have the Love & Logic book? You can borrow mine if you don't. I have a couple of Mom & Dad's John Rosemond books, too, along with some of my own. You're also welcome to any of them. :o) Good luck!
