Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two is Better than One

When you ask Ryan if he wants a drink, he will usually answer with, "Milk...Juice." And that's exactly what he means. Once the fridge is open, he'll reach for his milk and then insist on the juice too. (Juice is usually a little Apple or White Grape Juice diluted with lots of water, for all your dentists reading.)  He likes to carry around both and switch between the two.

He has the same habit with his "my" (pacifier). Lately when we lay him down in his crib, he pops one "my" into his mouth and immediately begins searching for another. He will call for a "my" even with one already in his mouth. We found he likes to hold the other "my" presumably as a comfort item but also because he likes to switch between the two. We've been having him throw his "my" back into the crib when we get him up in the morning instead of us forcing it out of his mouth. He does several "pump fakes" before he actually throws it and several times he throws one in only to pop into his mouth the one he'd been hiding in his other hand.

I guess in his mind, two is always better than one.

1 comment:

  1. Has hopped on the "I need both hands full while eating at all times" bandwagon? Give the kid one graham cracker, have to give 'em two!
