Monday, May 16, 2011

Hair Advice Saught

 I'm getting a haircut on Wednesday.

A much.needed.haircut.

And in that "I'm so sick of it and just want something ANYTHING new!" place.

Probably because most days, no matter what I try, it ends up looking like this:

 And the only way to prevent the Hanson Bros. syndrome is to Aussie-Sprunch Spray it 90's style and pin the top and sides back like a 12 year-old.
Which doesn't quite reflect my age, marital status, and the fact I bore a toddler. Oh, and that I am a business professional (professional candy-taster, that maybe that does go with the tween image.)

The last time I got sick of this hair:
 I did this:

It's been as short as this:

And the grow-out stage sometimes works:
But often makes me want to do this:

So, what should I do?  Here are a few "inspiration pictures":

Victoria Beckham:

Chelsea Kane:

But will it really look the same without the blond, or the killer body, or the personal professional stylists whose sole job it is to follow you around and make sure you look good? I'm guessing not.

So, what's your vote? How short? What style? Send me a link with a pic and I'll seriously consider it. I'll consider ANYTHING after being so annoyed with my static-filled, clingy, limp, drab, no-good very-bad hair today that I put it up in a regular office rubber band and seriously considered chopping off what it contained with my "marshmallow shears".  And if you don't vote, you can't complain with whatever I come out of the salon with on Wednesday!


  1. I want to know what you decided!! I love the Victoria Beckham style. I sorta had that style when we lived in Sibley and it was pretty easy to do...dry and round brush. Miss you guys! Are you in OC yet?

  2. Heidi..sorry I've been slow to get pictures. It's mostly Victoria Beckham with a little razer side-bang. It turned out a little longer than I expected, but still much easier! I'll try to get pictures when I get back from Chicago (here all week for Candy show!)
