Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lincoln

Ryan's cousin, Lincoln, turned 2 this week and Ryan colored a picture of an ice cream cone for him.
 He also added several dessert and sports-related stickers for good measure.
We were sorry we couldn't be at Lincoln's party, but want to wish him a Happy Birthday!
Here are a few pictures and commentary from Ryan:

Dear Cousin Lincoln,

It's hard to believe that only a year and a half ago, we were these two little munchkins: all cheeks and old man hair, with matching football shirts, just trying to sit upright.

 I know they'll be times we'll fight...
...and times you'll steal the show...

...but just remember I've got at least 5 lbs. on you.

I can't wait for more fun times playing together...
...because we are two little monkeys...

...and we're only getting cuter!

Love, Ryan

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Thanks for the fun card. Lincoln's eyes lit up as soon as he saw it and he said, "Eh-pane!" then "Shoo-shoo!" It's his favorite card. Emily was pretty impressed with Ryan's sticker job. ;o)
