Sunday, May 8, 2011

Omaha Trip

On Friday afternoon, we took off to visit Adam's brother Andy and his wife, Kim.  Andy's wife...not Adam's. I'm Adam's wife...just to clear that up.

We ended up taking Adam's parents' van since the "Check engine" light appeared on the good ol' Malibu a few hours before we were supposed to take off. We'll have to investigate that fun surprise more on Monday. The van turned out to be a huge blessing since we hauled half our house with us and let us all ride together when venturing out into the urban landscape of Omaha.

Ryan was a little antsy on the way down and played fun games like "Keep dropping my monkey/book/water and see if mommy gets carsick turning around to pick it up." We stopped at Arby's and Ryan was interested in eating one thing and one thing only: ketchup. He used curly fries as a vehicle to transport the ketchup to his mouth but soon resorted to just using his fingers. He also liked playing "peek-a-boo" with the people sitting behind us and was fascinated with the people waiting in the drive-through lane. I think he told us "puppy dog" about 9 times which was only 4 more times than the number of dogs we saw in cars with people. One of the cars held 4 Yorkies in the front seat along with their two human chauffeurs!

Ryan got a little time to play with Andy and Kim once we arrived, and thought Andy's head made an awesome "tee" for a game of tee-ball!
Saturday we had a GREAT day at the zoo (see previous post) and then Sunday we headed to church. Ryan ran right into their nursery and when we picked him up, they said he was "very polite and a well-mannered child."  They may have just been trying to get us to join their church, but I think they were sincere and made me a very proud momma! Although if they had seen him at Old Chicago the night before, I'm afraid their assessment would have been a little different.

Andy grilled us some brats and hot dogs for lunch and then we packed up and headed for home. Ryan took a great nap and just woke up for a quick run through Target on the way home. We visited with both sets of parents, picked up Nika, and headed home to unpack, eat, and take a walk. It was a fun weekend and we were happy to see Andy and Kim again!

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