Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Last Day of Work

I have been working in Marketing at a candy company for the past 5.5 years. I started as a Product Development Associate, was quickly re-labeled as a Brand Manager, and have been the Director of Marketing since February 2010. A large portion of my job has been to develop and then market new candy brands for the wholesale market.  This has been a terrific opportunity for me to use both creative and analytical skills, work in a fun environment, travel to places like Germany, develop management skills, and really grow as a marketing professional. However, with our pending move to a nearby community, I seized an opportunity to both work and live in the same town, thus adding 1.5 hours to my day by avoiding the commute and an hour at my own house over lunch. Those 12.5 hours of time per week, plus a terrific organization and challenging new projects led me to give notice at my old job on May 30, with my last day of work being June 29.

I loved a lot of things about my candy job, the least of which wer my co-workers. So as the final day drew closer, I found it a little hard to believe that I would be leaving. My co-workers did a great job of keeping the mood light and sent me off in style, as only they could!

First, we had a super-fun lunch at the local restaurant and as we walked in joking about how I should just put all their lunches on my company Am Ex, we realized a VP at the company was sitting right there! Good thing we were j/k! At lunch, I gave everyone totally cheesy homemade cards that had embarrassing pictures of each of them and memories of funny things we'd done. It was great reminiscing about the events of the past 5 years! Unforgettable!

After I had my office pretty much cleaned up (first time in 5 years), they said they'd walk me out to my car. Turns out, they had left me a going-away CARd.
Then, it was time for a picture with the "Quitting Time Ave." sign my boss made for my office.

I was told no photo session is complete without a "trust fall". This is how I'll always remember you guys! Thanks for all the memories! It was a blast!

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