Friday, June 10, 2011

Office Kitsch

After the last post, I thought I'd show you a small taste of the office kitsch I've collected over the past 5.5 years. We work hard, but try to have a good time. If a memory-making event creates a bit of kitsch, I proudly display it inside my office door.  Can you spot the following? (double-click to enlarge the photo).
  1. A picture of the slice of finger Maria cut off with an Exacto knife.
  2. Gary the zookeeper who looked slightly more like Gary the UPS driver.
  3. "Jared", a character we decided was a little too fat to be promoting candy, so we slimmed him down.
  4. Ryan dressed as a french bonbon
  5. Thumper reprimanding Jason for killing yet another Bambi (this was originally a cake-topper)
  6. My co-workers putting on any spare clothes we could find in the office (including a Hannah Montana wig)when the air conditioner turns it into the tundra
  7. The sign I wore on my shirt for a past Super Bowl announcing Kurt Warner as the 2nd coolest UNI alumni of all time.
There's a story for every picture and memories I'll cherish! I'm getting a tad sentimental as I start cleaning out my office in the next few weeks. My last day is going to be June 29 because I start my new job in our new town on June 30! No rest for the weary, folks!

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