Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hawaii: Biking

After the sunrise from the top of the volcano, the bike company brought us down to below the park borders and we were off! We chose to take an "unguided" bike tour which meant we could go down at our own pace and didn't have a lead guide or sag wagon. This was a good option for us since some of the guided companies were seen whizzing by at a much faster pace than I was comfortable with. Plus, we could stop and take pictures or eat breakfast whenever we wanted.
That's a rainbow above us, in case you were distracted by the "extreme curves ahead" sign. But curves their were! I ended up riding my brakes for much of the first section and my hands were pretty cramped by the time we "braked" for breakfast.

We had a very nice breakfast at the Kula Lodge, and then it was back to the bikes! It was quite cool for most of the way down and we got rained on for about the last half hour, so we were soaked through by the time we reached the bike shop around 10:00.
Overall, it was a fun experience and I'm glad we did it, but I probably wouldn't have to do it again. We enjoyed a long nap after our ride and then had a little more beach time on Tuesday before heading to the Luau!

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