Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hawaii: Hiking

Maui Revealed: The Ultimate GuidebookOne of the most helpful things on our trip was a book we borrowed from my parents called Maui Revealed by Andrew Doughty. It has information on just about everything you need to know about visiting the island, including reviews on restaurants, resorts, activities, but also weather, language, culture, beaches, and hiking! On Wednesday, we headed off with Jill and Jeremy to explore some of the hiking described in Maui Revealed.

Acid War Zone to Blowhole

We followed the directions in Maui Revealed, but also has decent directions of how to hike to Nakalele Point and the Blowhole.
We hiked down to the blowhole and saw some spectacular views!
 Right around the same area is a heart formation in the rocks.
If you wait for a big wave, the surf provides a great backdrop!
 The views from Nakalele Point are everything I imagined Hawaii to be.

 Mushroom Rock
We also followed the suggested route in Maui Revealed to reach Mushroom Rock.

It was SO windy, it was probably pretty dangerous to climb up onto the outcropping, but we were adventurous and rewarded with more spectacular views.
We did see the Olivine Pools, but decided it was too windy and the waves were too big to risk climbing down to swim in them. We enjoyed our hiking adventures, but decided it was time to hit the beach!

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