Friday, July 1, 2011

Last Day of Daycare

Since we moved out of our house on Monday, June 27, and closed on Wednesday, June 29, we moved in with Adam's parents for a few weeks until our new is ready.  It's been tricky figuring out child care with both my mom and MIL on vacation and Adam still coaching baseball, but it worked out for my sister to watch him some days and for Adam to bring him back to our old town for a few days during practice.  Friday, July 1 was Ryan's last day at daycare. It sure sets a parent's mind at ease when you walk your child in the door and they RUN to their classroom, open the door, and run to give their teacher a hug! He also learned many things that we didn't even think to teach him or didn't have the time/patience to discover with him (can you say glitter?)

As I've said before, we will miss many things about this daycare and judging by some of the tears shed on Friday, I think they will miss him too! They took some pictures of his last day, but I only put a few in the collage here because I didn't want to show the other toddlers without their parents' permission. But, here are a few shots of Ryan in his classroom with his teachers! Thanks for everything!

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