Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Messy Face!

Ryan's favorite way to eat peanut butter and jelly is to pull the two slices of bread apart and suck/lick the jelly or peanut butter off the bread. This makes for nothing less than a face worthy of a "hand on the back of the head to brace it" face-washing. It can almost pass for a 3-day old beard.
Ryan also likes helping me make "mash pay-toes". And no, I am not a neglectful mother who lets him use a hand mixer. I am a neglectful mother who feeds him "just add water" Idahoan Loaded Baked Potatoes. These are not that much cleaner and but have a higher rating on the "instant hold hair gel" scale.
I also let Ryan help me make brownies and he did a great job as my personal assistant, standing on a chair by the counter and pouring each ingredient in, then stirring with a spoon.  He even sprayed the pan. When I told him it was time to put it in the oven, he got off his chair, said "hot" and "back up" and then backed up all the way into the next room so he wouldn't be too near the oven. Safety first! The next night when I got home from work, he pulled a chair over to the counter, climbed up, grabbed a spoon and said "Brownies!" I guess he thought that's what we do every night! Wouldn't be all bad, now that I think about it!

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