Friday, August 26, 2011

New Furniture

 Ryan says, "Look at the new chair Mommy and Daddy bought in Omaha!"

 "I helped Daddy put it together."

 "It's an accent chair for our living room and I think it's just my size!"

 "But the box is even MORE fun...Mommy and I colored it with crayons tonight--now it has a window, an airplane up high in the sky, and a puppy dog inside! I like to peek out the doors!"

 "Here is the dark brown leather recliner that will be coming in October."
"And here is the matching couch." (Didn't buy either set of pillows.)

"Now Mommy just has to pick out paint colors for the kitchen, living room, stairwell, and hallway...oh and figure out how she's going to do all this painting with such a big helper around!"

Any suggestions for paint colors? I'm sliding down the purple/orange/green slope but am afraid it can get semi-Mardi-Gras-ish very quickly. I just refuse to live in a "many shades o' brown" house.

It just wouldn't go with the purple front door.


  1. Love the accent chair. I would have a hard time being so bold. I think I've got every color of the rainbow in my house for paint now except orange. I think one of the burnt orangish red colors from the flower chair would make a great accent wall in the living room.

  2. Oh yeah--our chair box only lasted 2 days b/c it was too big to fit down the stairwell intact and Austin only tolerated it in the living room for 48 hours. ;o)
