Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rynomite goes Round and Round

Ryan did relatively okay on the trip to and from Omaha, considering he never napped in the car. We don't have a portable DVD, so we tried to watch Mighty Ducks on our laptop on the way there (battery ran out after 20 minutes) and watched some Shrek on the way home. Those are the closest thing I have to kid-friendly movies. Maybe we'll get a portable DVD for his birthday or something and then I'm pretty sure I could just tape a few episodes of Sports Center and maybe an Animal Planet show here and there and he'd love it.

Besides snacking (goldfish, raisins, grapes, string cheese), the thing that keeps him most entertained is watching himself on video. I had a few of his "singing" videos on my iphone and a few of him running through the sprinkler. He LOVES watching himself sing and he joins right in with a big grin on his face. So, to keep our sanity on Sunday night during another car ride, I recorded him singing "Wheels on the Bus". It's kind of long, but I think you'll like his different interpretive phrasing and arm movements for "All through the town." He's keeping up with a syncopated rhythm and a rat-tat-tat-tat...okay now we're getting carried away.  I'm thinking this video on my phone will be a back-pocket trick I can pull out when he starts to get really sick of riding. Plus, I won't have to sing it anymore, PTL, because now whenever I start singing with him, he says "Mommy, no!" I can take a hint, there, kid.

So, here it is...Rynomite "you spin me right round" singing the classic parents=bonkers hit, "Wheels on the Bus."

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