Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Living Room: Before & After

(hopefully this was obvious)

 We painted the walls a warmer color, and our dark brown leather recliner and reclining couch were delivered from Nebraska Furniture Mart to complete the seating. We were able to bring the accent chair home with us from Omaha.

The "plates" on metal framing are from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and the vase and flowers are from Hobby Lobby.
All of the accent pillows are from Bed, Bath & Beyond and most were on clearance for $9.99! Beats buying two pillows with the accent chair's fabric for $120!

I picked out all of these chipboard letters from different sets at Hobby Lobby and then painted them with leftover purple paint from our kitchen to pull that color into the living room. 

 Technically not part of the living room, this clock is hung above the stairway in the kitchen to break up the big blank wall. I love the colors and patterns and it helps to bring color to the kitchen area.

We are definitely not ready to call the living room "complete" since we still need an entertainment center, mantel, and new end table, but at least we have some color and life back in the living room!


  1. um....what (not pun intended) happened to your green wall? I liked it!

  2. The green wall got painted purple! We liked the green color, but it didn't look good with the tan wall behind it and stood out a little too much. I really like the color, though and am thinking of painting my laundry closet with it!

  3. Love it--especially the letters and clock. It's so classy yet homey.
