Thursday, September 8, 2011

Saylor again!

On Thursday night, we had a lot going on (including baking and frosting 3 different cakes for Adam's birthday, plus making a pan of bars) but I couldn't resist going to see Abbie, Wade, and Saylor again.  She was such a cute, sleeping baby!

There were plenty of visitors again, but I did get a chance to hold her for a while again. Is there anything better than holding a sleepy little newborn?
Ryan spent a lot of time playing with Saylor's new basketball, but he also wanted another chance to hold his cousin.
He looked at her little pursed lips and announced that he thought she was making a "fish face"! We got a good laugh over that one. He gave her another sweet kiss...
...and then pointed to the antennae on her hat and asked, "What's this?"
Great. Barely a day old and already he's hounding her about her fashion choices.

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