Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Saylor Grace

On Wednesday, September 7, 2011, my younger sister, Abbie, and her husband, Wade, welcomed their first child! Saylor Grace was born at 1:22pm,  8 lbs. 3oz and 22" long with nice dark hair. They are so thrilled with their healthy, beautiful girl, and we are so excited to welcome her to our family!

As soon as I got home from the work trip I was on, we went over to the hospital. I couldn't wait to hold my new niece. How did Ryan like seeing his Mommy hold another baby? This picture tells most of the story:

But, I think he may have been more jealous that I got to hold Saylor first, rather than jealous I was holding her instead of him. He couldn't wait to get his hands on his new cousin!
 We practiced being gentle, and he even gave her a little kiss.
Then he went back to playing ball with Wade's nephew. It was funny to watch two 1-yr-olds who love to throw but can't really catch.
 These blondies  were a little more interested in Saylor's ball than in their new cousin.

We were so happy that both Abbie and Saylor were healthy and doing well and Wade is the proudest Daddy you can imagine! Such a blessing that Saylor is finally here!

1 comment:

  1. I saw that picture with the little hands reaching up and knew there was a caption coming! So jealous you've gotten to see Saylor so much. If it weren't for the 8 hours alone in the van with the kids, I'd seriously consider another trip back to NW Iowa!
