Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shopping Exhaustion

I hate shopping.

Summary of my recent shopping marathon.

Things overheard while shopping:
  • Girl in dressing room: "I like this this shirts but the color is a little too Avera McKennen"
  • Girl in shoe aisle talking on her cell: "Yah, I'm just in one of those moods. You know how I get so angry I could just flip out at any second. I feel like murdering a stranger." (I was the only person in sight)
  • Mom coming out of Hobby Lobby: "If you hold my hand all the way to the car, you know what you get? OREOS!" I was just imagining what it would look like with that 3-yr-old eating Oreos by himself in the car seat.
First, I stopped in Rock Valley with a plan to go to all three kids' consignment shops, but since I arrived at 1:40pm, they close at 3:00pm, and I'm the world's slowest shopper, I never made it beyond Nearly New Town. Items purchased: I was pretty successful there, finding a winter coat and mittens and 5 shirts for Ryan. I also picked up 2 shirts for myself and a pair of shoes. Tip: I highly recommend this store for their wide selection and better clothes, but make sure you check brands. If the price is higher than 50% of retail, I usually opt for buying new. It can save you a ton on less-frequently-worn or name-brand clothes.

Then, it was on to the shopping mecca (as it's known to all of us in the Tri-State area) of Sioux Falls.

  • Hobby Lobby. Items purchased: tons of wooden letters, and a I had to plan my trip by when each store was closing, so the first stop was Hobby Lobby. Here I got lost in the world of modge podge and floral arrangements. Besides picking out all the materials for an ambitious wall project, I also put together an entire floral arrangement...twice. (I picked out the vase, put all the flowers in it, decided I hated it, put them all back, then started over.) Tip: will guide you to a 40% off one item coupon. I didn't buy anything too expensive, but used it on a $27 vase, so it was worth the time to find and print.
  • Bed, Bath, & Beyond. Items purchased: most of the store.  1 clock, 1 giant mirror, 4 wall hangings, and 6 pillows later, I was wondering if this might be a good time to just buy a minivan already. Tip: Most people know about signing up for their email list to get 20% off one item coupons, but if you move to a new home, they'll send you a 20% off your entire in-store purchase. I took full advantage.
  • Old Navy. Items purchased: NOTHING, even though I had a $5 reward.  They had between zero and none 2T boy shirts in the store and hadn't switched seasons in women's clothing so all the sweaters I saw online were nowhere to be found. Tip: We are over capris; it's like 50 degrees out!
  • JC Penney. Items purchased: 2 argyle sweaters for me and a long-sleeve T for Ryan.  Penney's was where I got my first hint that this year's fall fashions may not be for me:
What could be worse than this long-sleeve maxi dress?
 Oh.  This.  (right across the aisle from the dress)
  •  Gordmans. Items purchased: bag of Mambas and a tank top (and you better believe I used by 20% off coupon on it even though it was all of $4). The Mambas were excellent, by the way. Real thirst-quenchers. I got pretty into Mambas (and Riesens) after 5 years of having a booth next to Storck at the Sweets & Snacks Expo. Well done, Storck, well done. I still haven't purchased as much as I've eaten in your samples over the years, but I'm well on my way.
    • Gordman's kept playing announcements about their "Associate of the Month" over the intercom. I'm guessing whoever he or she was, they weren't working the shoe department on a Saturday night. The whole store should have been labeled a federal disaster area. I wonder if they have an overnight crew on Saturdays...if they don't, they should, and don't sign me up.
  • Kohl's. Items purchased: Welcome mat, 3 shirts and a pair of pants for Ryan. I finally found some 2T long-sleeve shirts that weren't licensed and weren't completely obnoxious, so I picked up 3--one baseball, one basketball, one football. This is how Ryan picks out his clothes and we were running low on baseball options. I got nothing for myself.
    • Does anyone else walk through the aisles and think, "I hate all of this. There's nothing I would waste 5 minutes trying on and if you gave me everything in here for free, I'd probably still wear an old Hawkeye tshirt instead of it anyway." That's how I felt in almost every store, including Kohl's. Fall Fashion and Me are officially Fighting.
  • Target. Items purchased...nothing interesting--we're talking toothpaste (grrrr why don't they carry the red cinnamon Crest? I hate green!), kleenex, and a big bag of Skittles.  By this time I was bleary-eyed, my hips ached, their lipstick display skipped right over my "number", and my droiny cart was about 2 seconds from being rammed into the racks and racks and racks of toddler girls clothes (ever notice how there's 3x more girls than boys clothes? Drives me insane. Tip: If you don't want to dress your kid like a lumberjack or in Cars 2 clothes, you can just forget it, because those are the 2 racks they are offering this year.
  • McDonalds. Items purchased: Chicken McNuggets (for the first time in about 20 years--they were having a big 4-pc nuggets for $0.50 promotion and I am willing to eat questionable chicken parts for that price and that price only), small fries, and a frozen strawberry lemonade (the real reason I stopped at McDonald's). Keep in mind it was 9:50pm, I hadn't eaten since noon (except for the Mamba) and I had a 1.3 hour drive in front of me.
It was lightly misting most of the way home and I bet you can imagine just how thrilled I was to still be up, driving, trying to dunk my Chicken McNuggets in the dark, and knowing I just blew tons of money and yet didn't cross half the things off my list.

I hate shopping, and I REALLY hate spending 11 hours doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sista'! I have all the same feelings about shopping. I'm utterly exhausted just reading about your trip!

    I'm pretty sure I've done the same thing at Hobby Lobby. Don't even ask Austin about all my "shopping" for the bathroom!

    I just got a huge online order from Old Navy using a bunch of promos/coupons during their baby sale. I got more jeans for myself and a bunch of 2T stuff for Lincoln. I haven't opened most of it yet b/c I'm kind of waiting to see what might be in the tub from Brandi that is currently sitting at Mom & Dad's house.

    Your revelation about fall fashions is not encouraging. I am in desperate need of a clothes shopping trip for myself. So far, the only thing I've purchased and worn this fall are jeans and UNI gear (long-sleeve t-shirts & sweatshirts). I haven't hauled out my "winter" clothes from the cedar closet yet, but I remember doing a major purge before putting them away last spring and I'm pretty sure there's not much left. Maybe I'll just have to stick with purple & gold!

    BTW, I totally have the exact same thought about nothing being worth my time to try on about 75% of the time I actually do go shopping for myself.

    I can't believe that's all you bought at Target. While I usually don't find much for clothes for myself or the kids (I don't like the Circo brand kids' clothes), I have spent so much time/money there in the last 3 months that I can't stand the thought of going there sometimes. Let's just say it was totally worth it to sign up for a Target Red Card. :op

    I can't believe how much time/money I've spent "shopping" in general the last few months and still have never-ending list. Here's to plodding onward!
