Friday, September 23, 2011

Big Barn

When Adam was little, he loved playing farm. He would line up all his animals, corral them with fences, run rice or corn kernals through the grain wagon, and plow rows into the carpet with his tractors. His favorite thing was a huge wooden barn, made for him by his mom's Great Uncle. With Adam's parents moving to a new house, it was time for them to pass along many of the treasures they had been saving for when Adam grew up and had a son of his own, so now was the perfect time.  They brought over his barn a few weeks ago and I decided to give it a fresh coat of paint before handing it over to Ryan.


 I even painted a little "barn quilt" for it. 
I love seeing these in the country and thought his barn would look good with one too.

After Ryan's birthday party, he had plenty of farm equipment and animals, including a fence made by Great Grandpa using wood from a tree on the family farm.  He is sure to enjoy the barn for years to come!


  1. It turned out awesome! Love the "B" and quilt.

    P.S. The verification word is "henomort". It sounds like and Emily word, but I'm too tired to think of a creative definition.

  2. P.S. Don't you think a big barn quilt would look nice at Mom & Dad's house? I think the barn looks weird without the big hay mouw door.
