Thursday, October 13, 2011

2 Year Checkup

Ryan had his 2-year checkup and I think he may have been coached at daycare because on the way there he told me, "See doctor, be patient, don't hurt, be brave."  He was fairly patient waiting thanks to the fun toys in the waiting room and the Teddy Grahams I packed for the office.  He did great on the scale and getting measured. He's still on the same path, weighing in at 32.6 lbs (90th percentile) and 36" (80th percentile).  The doctor said he seems to be recovering from a cold, but otherwise seems in good health. Ryan was cooperative except he would not lay down on the crinkly paper on the exam table. But, I guess he earned his sticker. Thankfully there were no shots today,  and here's to hoping we don't have to see the doctor again until his 3-year checkup!

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