Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday, Emily!

On Sunday morning, we all went to church at Orchard Hill. Ryan went to Sunday School with Lincoln and even made a take-home paper. Emily's other grandpa and grandma and her Uncle Tyler and his girlfriend Chelsea all joined us for lunch, then it was time for Emily to open presents!
It was funny as she opened all kinds of nice gifts only to place them to the side and announce, "I hope the next present is a magnifying glass!" She barely even tried out her new plasma car in her quest to find the magnifying glass. But, no worries, we tried it out for her!

Emily checked to see if anyone was leaving any "clues". She recently saw an episode of Blue's Clues and then used the Smart Search on the DVR to find and record a few episodes to watch later. She also showed me how to play several games on their ipad2 and I caught myself wanting to ask her if she could teach me how to run my iphone. 

After playing downstairs, it was time for cake! We sang Happy Birthday and she blew out the candle!
 I was so happy to be there with her...I haven't been able to celebrate her birthday with her since I decorated her monkey cake when she was 2!

 Happy Birthday, Emily! We had a great time!

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