Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quick Favs

Ryan's Current Favorite CD to listen to while going to sleep: The Life of Chopin. (He wanted to get Vivaldi, but I convinced him Chopin would be more calming)

Favorite movie starring a former 'Hey Dude' cast member:  Dodgeball (remember Melody? And Ted, Danny, Brad, Buddy, and Mr. Ernst? What was the dog's name? I still can't believe Brad won the beauty pageant by showing how to properly pack a suitcase when Melody couldn't get the song rights to any song other than "Happy Birthday")

Favorite comment on Big Mama's blog post about words that should be sent to the "word cemetery":  The word "moist" reminds me of the sound macaroni and cheese makes when you stir it.

Favorite method of making sure Ryan get's enough exercise: Playing "Mommy punt it and Ryan go get the football" in our huge backyard.

Favorite life-saving Excel formula: =proper(A1:A45416) It will properly capitalize (first letter uppercase, rest lowercase) when you are trying to clean up a database of over 45,000 names that have been typed in with all sorts of capitalization rules. The button "remove duplicates" ranks a close second.

Favorite "so cool it had to be photoshopped" picture going around Facebook: (Don't look for the baby)

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