Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Shower and A Hog Roast

On Saturday, Adam had an all-day golf/bachelor party thing with his cousin who is getting married in 2 months. (He's a 30+ Youth Pastor, so if you're picturing a party bus, don't.) Ryan and I headed to Sibley in the afternoon with Adam's mom to attend the shower held for this same cousin and his fiancee. It was nice to see that side of the family, for Ryan to see his 6-month-older 2nd cousin, Kenley, and for us to visit with a few ladies from our old church. (The shower was put on by the church ladies at our old church).

At night, we had been invited to a big hog roast by a guy I work with. I was all worried I wouldn't be able to figure out what house it was since he lives on a farmplace and I'd never been there before. I was carefully watching the advancing dot on my iphone map and getting anxious that it wasn't telling me which side of the road it was on. Then, I got closer, I thought, "Oh. Maybe the house with 80 cars and orange lights strung up everywhere!"

It was a challenge to wrangle our food, lawnchairs, drinks, and Ryan while avoiding cars and the night cemented the fact that I'm not cut out for single parenthood. Ryan basically ate chips and a cookie and I spent more time picking up food off the ground than eating any of the fresh pork (pulled off the whole hog) and the multitude of salads/chip dips/and bars that filled 4 tables. But, it was fun to mingle with new people (about 150 of them), chat with friends, and explore the farm. There were kittens, exotic chickens, dogs, horses, and bunnies/ Ryan wanted to spend all his time in the barn! They also set up a projector in a shed to show the movie "Rio" on a white sheet. Ryan thought the coolest part was being able to sit on hay bales! It was so nice of them to invite us and it was such a fun event! We were there for the lighting of the 10-ft tall bonfire, but didn't stick around long enough to watch it dwindle.

We headed home around 8:30 and he was talking the whole way home until just when we got into town. Then, he suddenly conked out and never opened his eyes again until Sunday, even through me getting him out of the car, changing into pajamas, and going to bed! Guess the big day really did him in!

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