Saturday, November 5, 2011

Go Raiders and other Saturday Happenings

Despite the wind and chill today, we decided to go to the last Northwestern home football game. It fell right during Ryan's nap time, but he seemed to enjoy crawling all over us on the bleachers, saying hi to the people around us, taking off his coat, eating animal crackers, spitting out a "Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Bean" all over his hand and coat (I think it was a vomit-flavored one), drinking diluted juice, and digging through the diaper bag. Oh yeah, there was a football game going on too. Ryan and I left at halftime with the score 7-6 and the Raiders ended up winning 35-6.

Here's what Ryan had to say about it:

I think we won even bigger than N-dub because once we got home, Ryan slept for over 3.5 hours. He got up in time to eat some leftover pizza for supper and then we finally decided, after over 3 months, tonight was the night to actually hang up some things in Ryan's room. We never did paint it, so the walls are still white, but it looks much better now with stuff on the walls!  Ryan wanted to help, so we let him hold a pencil. He promptly started scribbling on the wall with it. We immediately reprimanded with "No! We do NOT write on walls." Then I looked up and saw the 8 carefully marked X's I'd just drawn on the wall to indicate where nails should be put. No wonder the kid was confused.

Other things we did today were go to the craft fair where he was fascinated by a flower arrangement-in-a-wooden-duck, and got some new books and music from the library. Usually picking out books from the library involves him pulling 20-30 books off the shelf and me following behind them trying to put them all back, then leaving with a select few that I can stand to read. As a side note, there are some really dumb children's books out there. Just sayin'. I read one today about a bunch of insects going to a "Bug-a-Boo" party. There were about 14 characters and 3 plots going on in 13 pages and the moral of the story I got was "if you're friends all ditch you to do cooler things, your mom will bail you out and help you put on a one-man play." I'll take pipe-smoking Curious George over than nonsense any day.  What?  You didn't know the monkey was a tobacco fan? Get the original non-PC versions and you'll see a lot of puffing (along with some ether-sniffing in Curious George Goes to the Hospital).  Anway, we went through the DVDs just to see if anything jumped out at me. I don't usually borrow DVDs from this library because you only get them for 1 day here and that rarely works for me. Ryan discovered a Curious George DVD and of course wanted to take it with him. Since he'd already watched Super WHY and some of his Thomas DVD in the morning and since we had plans for most of the day, I just distracted him and put the movie back on the shelf before self-checking out. (Don't get me started on the self-check-out. The first time I attempted this, it took me 20 minutes, I felt my college degree didn't prepare me for the "unlock your CD case" contraption,  and I set off the "you've stolen a book" alarm 3 times.)  When we got home he took all the books out of the bag, then asked "Where Curious George DBD?" (and no, that's not a typo). Oops! Guess he has a little better memory than I gave him credit for!

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