Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday with Mommy

Today Ryan and I had a whole day to spend together. We organized his whole room in the morning and ventured out to ALCO to get something to fix his bookcase. It was so icy out that we couldn't get the car back up the driveway! When I tried to go around the block, I couldn't get up that street either, so I finally slipped home, gunned it up the driveway, and decided to stay put the rest of the day.

We had fun today and Ryan took a LONG nap to catch up on some sleep, so I had a chance to catch up on some work. When he got up, we popped some popcorn and watched the movie "Up". He loved it (except for a few semi-scary parts) and I thought it was a great movie.

Here's bits of the conversations we had today:

While sorting books:
Ryan: "Whoa, Mommy! I have a lot of books! I'm a big helper!"
Me: "That boy wants to be a scientist when he grows up. What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Ryan: "A boy!"
Me: "That girl is flying! Do you think it would be fun to fly!"
Ryan: "I would be very careful!"
When waking up from his nap:
Ryan: "Mommy, I all done sleeping. I get up now."
When a cartoon character on TV got hit with an old man's cane.
Ryan: "Mommy, he better go to the doctor."

I had a great day with my little commentator!

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