Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Night

Christmas Eve meant it was time to dress up in his cowboy best (red party boots) and go to my Grandma's Christmas party!

Almost all of the family was there, so it was a good opportunity to get a photo of Grandma with her grandkids. Only my sister, Megan, was missing of the 11 granddaughters and 5 grandsons.
Did you notice the streak of girls? Well, it was reversed in the great-grandkids.  Emily and Lincoln are missing from this photo, but there are 6 great-grandsons and only 2 great-granddaughters.
 Here are the some of the boys playing together.
 Ryan, Jace, Gramm and Jackson are learning all about sharing.
 Saylor wanted to get in on the hoop action.

Here is a pretty accurate picture of Ryan for the night. Drinking lots of red punch (and spilling it not only on his vest but on his too-small shirt) and cheeks as red as his boots from running around all night.

It was a special night seeing the whole family and a great Christmas Eve!

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