Sunday, December 11, 2011

First Snow: Sledding and Snowballs

Adam and Ryan got to play in the snow last week, but today was the first time all three of us went outside to play in the white stuff! It was much more fun today because it was pretty warm out and the snow was sticking a lot better.  After getting all our gear on, it was time to head out.

First, Ryan wanted to do some sledding. I'll be happy when he gets old enough to sled down hills and carry it back to the top instead of needing one of us to pull him, but it sure gave me a good workout! He loved it!

Adam picked up a FLIP video camera this week since ALCO had a huge sale, so we thought we'd try it out and got a few clips of me huffing and puffing through the backyard. I'm not sure if it's the camera or You Tube, but it seems to "jump" quite a bit on action shots. Adam's planning to use it mainly for kids' presentations in school, though, so it should work just fine.

Adam tried to pick a snowball fight (and he may not have had a friendly game in mind after I accidentally let Nika out without attaching her to her leash and she spent 15 minutes scampering around the snow eluding capture). I did not get hit, but admit it was tempting to start launching a few since the snow was so perfect for it! (Nika would have been my preferred target).

Next up: our first snowman (see next post).

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