Saturday, January 28, 2012

Future Frosting Apprentice?

I strategically frosted some cakes for my grandma's birthday while Ryan took a nap because he's a little less than helpful. When he woke up and ventured into the kitchen, the look on his face was priceless! He said, "Oooohhh, Mommy! Look at dose cakes! I like the black one! I want to have some birthday cake!" He wanted to go show them to daddy and he gave a great introduction, "Daddy! Look at this cake Mommy made! It's pretty!"

Since the cakes are for tomorrow, I showed him that I had saved a few pieces from my carving of the cake shape and told him he could frost his own piece with some leftover frosting.

He frosted, added sprinkles, and then enjoyed his very own piece of cake (the hole from the birdhouse). Maybe I'll have a frosting apprentice sometime in the future, but we might have to work on the "less is more" sprinkle technique first.

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