Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snowy Day=Time for Cocoa!

When we looked outside this morning, Ryan started jumping up and down, saying, "Let's go sledding!" Sadly, we informed him there was not quite enough snow for that activity. Later, when Adam was going out to scoop off the inch of fluffy snow on our driveway, he asked Ryan if he wanted to help. Ryan hurried up the stairs, saying, "I can use my scoop! Mommy, I need to get my snowpants and coat and boots on!"  He happily bundled up and then spent at least 30 minutes outside clearing the driveway and the sidewalk next to our house.

When he came inside, Ryan decided he needed to have "cocoa" just like Curious George. "With mawsh-a-mallows!" He's been enjoying reading many Curions George books lately, including Curious George's Snowy Day. I didn't know how he'd do with a "hot" drink, but warming it up only 30 seconds made it drinkable for him. He loved the marshmallows on top and thought he was pretty big stuff drinking out of a mug just like mommy & daddy's coffee.

I am happy to report this is only the second snowfall of winter and that the snow is completely gone as of 2:00 today. My kind of weather! I think Ryan will look forward to the next snow, and maybe next time it will be enough to go sledding!

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