Monday, March 19, 2012

Golf and Blue Tongues

I left work on time tonight and when I opened the door I was greeted by a huge grin and "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" followed by a huge hug. Ryan was so happy I was home "early" because he had something exciting to tell me! He said, "Mommy, come look! Daddy got a new lawnmower! We picked it up in the pickup from Marv!"

Adam said he got a smile out of the reserved small engine sales guy because when Adam opened the door of the pickup, Ryan leaned out with a huge smile, waved, and said, "Hi, Marv!" as if they were old friends.  We quickly ate some supper and then headed outside for a walk even though it was getting cooler and threatened rain. When we got back home, we played a few games outside while Adam set up the new mower. We raced around the house, raced Nika, played soccer, tried kicking the ball over the gazebo (I was more successful than Ryan) and played golf!

 This last picture brings us to the last item on tonight's agenda...a much-needed haircut! I don't have a great picture, but like this one because it shows how we got through a 2.5-year-old haircut (a blue Dum-Dum).

Also, if you're wondering why it is rare for me to have decent pictures or video of Ryan in action, this is why:

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