Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Track Meet

Ryan loves track meets. He imitates the starter and announces "On your marks, get set, go!" when we run races at home. He also has quite the sprinter's stance that he learned from the NFL combine 40-yard dash on TV.  Today we walked over to the JH track meet where Adam was running the discus. Ryan brought the "unofficial" results to the announcers. He also announced that "When I get big, big, bigger, I'm going to play track meet."  He said he is going to run really fast.  And he did, almost the entire way home from the field. He had a slight meltdown at the stoplight since I had to hold him back while the light was red, so if anyone was at the Fareway corner tonight, you're welcome for the show.

Beings that my track career ended after 8th grade when I would be the "sympathy" 2nd or 3rd string runner for the 200 meter dash, I'm hoping we can keep his track dreams alive. With his genes (and hilarious "elbow oars"form) he's more likely to find himself marking off the discus throws than anchoring a relay.

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