Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Earl of Orange

The tulips bloomed early this year, so I'm afraid they'll be mostly finished before Tulip Festival starts. We haven't fully acclimated into the OC culture yet in that we don't have a Dutch costume for Ryan and won't be participating in any parades, but I did take a few pictures with my phone as Ryan explored Windmill park this week, just to get the required tulip pictures.

He liked the "black" tulips best and the orange ones were in the best shape. He really loves "Window" park and has fun looking in the water off the bridge, exploring the windmills and plants, walking the paths, and playing on the merry-go-round, BIG slide, horses, swings, and various play equipment.

We left the park just as it was starting to rain and it ended up turning into a big storm. Ryan had trouble going to sleep and did not like the sound of the rain or the "booming". One one of his ventures out of bed, though, he was excited to see that my cousin, Juliana, had stopped by with a Vikings pillow pet for him! He loves it--thanks, Juliana!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the horror. The Tulip (Stem) Festival. Do not be brainwashed. Do not drink the Kool-Aid. Think of the children. Do not go gentle into that good night.
