Monday, May 7, 2012

Go Colin!

On Monday, Ryan's daycare had a sick child, so we had some last-minute backup care in the form of my cousin, Juliana, and my mom. Ryan had a super-fun day! He and Juliana played outside, ran on the track and football field, and Ryan colored a special picture for my cousin Colin. They delivered it to his car so he'd be sure to see it before his big conference meet. It must have worked because the Dutch won the conference! Way to go, Colin!

In the afternoon, Ryan got to go pick out plants at the greenhouse where "there were lots of flowers...and bees,"  and then go to Grandma's house. When I picked him up, he was catching butterflies with Aunt Abbie and Saylor and examining them with a magnifying glass.

Thanks, Mom and Juliana for coming to our rescue and giving Ryan a great day!

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